Doctor Catherine Pt. 08 - Interlude

DOCTOR CATHERINE Part 8 - Interlude

This story, and all my stories, contain fictionalized characters from long ago memories and recent events of my life.

I am a 60+ year old bi woman. My stories are memoirs spiced with a kinky imagination. I am submissive by natural inclination in most relationships, sometimes extremely submissive in sex. If you like kinky mature women I hope you will like my stories and please comment on what you like and perhaps didn't like to help me improve.

This story is the final chapter in the Doctor Catherine series. I mean it this time! It takes place after I return from my sailing trip with Barbara. (Read part 7 of the Dr. Catherine series.)

Upon my return there are messages on my hard line house phone. One message is from Anne.

The best place to start this story is with a reprise of when Anne and I met updated to include information I have learned since those first meetings.


As I was walking out to my car I was chatting with Anne, a woman I had just met. She again welcomed me to the group and said how nice it was to meet me. I smiled and thanked her. I then added, "Now if I just knew how all this works."

She returned my smile and said, "I know how you feel, I was you a little more than a year ago. Tell you what Robin, call me and we'll have lunch and I'll explain all I can. No obligation, just lunch and conversation."

I didn't say I would call, I just said, "thank you Anne."

A week went by. I thought about the meeting and the women I met. I was tempted to just call one and see where it went but I remembered the brief conversation with Anne and though she might be a good coach but still, I did not call.

Another week went by. Still not one of the women in the group called me. I was within hours of calling Anne and taking her up on her offer when my phone rang. It was Anne.

At lunch the very the next day I asked how she knew to call me. She said, "Robin, I told you that a little more than a year ago I was also new to the group. At about the end of week two or three I was feeling terrible that I was being rejected. I wish that someone had taken the time to fill me in so I decided to do it for you."

I answered her. "Thank you. I was feeling awful. Thank you."

Anne started, "Ok so first let me give you some background. Our little group was started by Doctor Katie. She has personally invited every person into the group. It's simple. She wants you in her bed. You are prequalified." She continued, "Every woman in the group is her woman and trust me, you will be as well, like I am, unless you chose otherwise. I'm trusting you because if you tell her I told you this I'm out."

I looked at her and said, "Thanks Anne, I can live with that. I won't say a word." Actually, I was confused. Just exactly what was the secret I had just agreed to keep? Of course this was all about control and sex, no surprise there.

Anne continued, "Don't get me wrong, Katie is not a Dom. She is wonderful in almost every way but her taste in sex is just not mine. She loves group sex with her very much in a lead role." Anne continued, "The only time I was with her we were with two other women. It's just not me. I cannot make love to three women at the same time. It takes a beautiful thing, making love, and reduces it to simply having sex." She ended by saying, "It's just not what I'm looking for, not with virtual strangers."

I think I like this woman Anne.

She continued, "There are groups like ours all over the Southeast and most likely elsewhere. There is a group in Orlando, one in Jacksonville and one in Tampa that I know of, could be more. All organized by people who know Dr. Katie. I have call lists from each group.

Anne added, "Contacts are usually made by phone call and an invitation to breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea or just a chat. Robin, you have not been called because you are an unknown. Most of us do not want drama in our lives so everyone is understandably cautious. I even went as far as listing myself as married to avoid problems. I liked you when we first met so I took a chance. You, like me, will have to initiate the first contact. Once you are known, things will flow."

Anne told me "Robin, I have been beyond the initial conversation with six women in our group and one in Orlando. Now I'm not counting the Doctor Katie group sex fiasco. I just want to forget that." Anne added, "Of the six, one was a great lover and rocked my world beyond sex, she is the only woman I have seen more that once. A few were good lovers, one was not, but all were caring, clean STD free women. I'm not looking for a relationship I have one I hope, with the woman I first mentioned."

Almost as though she were trying to get it all out she shifted subject and said, "If I were to make a recommendation and I AM NOT, I would tell a new woman, if I knew one, and she laughed... if I were to go back a second time it would be with Alice, don't let her age fool you, or Nishi. Alice is a very experienced and totally uninhibited lover. Nishi is a very very shy reserved woman. Two very different people with very different approach's to making love." She added, "Nishi is a master at oral sex. From your toes to your ears she will please you."

Anne continued "Robin, as a woman of color (I hate that phrase but did not say anything) you will be very attractive to some crazy racist people, and we have a few, looking to prove they are not racist so be careful about that. I think many of us could care less if a person were green, well maybe not green, but you get the idea." I knew exactly what she meant.

Let me tell you about Anne. She appeared to be about 45 - 50 but turned out to be 55. She, like me, had built a business, hers a small retail chain, and sold it prior to early retirement. She had dirty blond very short hair and with clothes on, appeared to have an average in every way body except her legs. She had exceptionally well defined and toned legs. Today her very short shorts showed them off spectacularly.

Anne has medium size breasts but dresses to accent cleavage. A bit of a show off. Her laugh was contagious. When she laughed she was loud and laughed with her whole body, I liked that. I liked her.

I say that a lot don't I? The truth is, when I first met Anne I hesitated to call her because I felt something more, something I wanted to explore, something I did not want to be just a one night stand.

As we continued our lunch she had a never ending list of questions. Everything from where was I born to where I went to school. It seemed that as I answered a question she used the opportunity to fill in her side of the story. I was learning as much about her as she was learning about me without even asking a question of my own. Anne was easy to talk to and in every way a very likable person. As we talked, I mentioned my deceased wife Beth and Anne had a whole new string of questions. She was quick to tell me how sorry she was and all that but what she really wanted to know was what I thought made Beth and me work as a couple.

She somehow managed to use the fact that she now knew I was at least for a time in a committed relationship with another woman, Beth, to get me to tell her about my tastes in sex. Somehow it never even crossed my mind to embellish or lead her to believe something that wasn't true. I know full well that my "tastes" can be viewed by many as kinky but what did I really have to lose by telling her the truth?

I also found myself using my relationship with Beth to explain what most interested me. I think I never lost sight of the fact that if Anne and I ended up in bed it would most likely be a one time thing so I was careful. I remembered what I thought could be a real connection with her and I told her my feelings about not needing to be "in love" to "make love." When I first met Beth it was that way. Love grew around friendship and great sex.

Anne smiled and explained her feelings as best she could. She started by telling me again how group sex and emotionless sex was not what she looked for. Making love requires emotion and very often takes longer that just a few hours. It requires the time for talk, bathe together, massage, and completely uninhibited sex.

Anne somehow managed to use all the right words that matched how I felt, how I had always felt.

As lunch ended I got brave and told Anne I thought we "fit." Then I felt stupid and quickly asked if she was interested in taking this further. Then I felt even more stupid and she saved me.

"Robin, why don't you think over what we have talked about and remember I told you I love to swim, hint hint." As we left the restaurant she kissed me very gently on the lips. "I had a great time. It was very nice getting to know you better. By the way, you can call me Annie if you want. I'd like that.

It was Wednesday and on the way home I hatched a plan. I think Annie was expecting me to call her so I didn't. Let's tease just a little more.

Ok, back to DOCTOR CATHERINE Part 8 - Interlude

Now, where were we? Oh yes, this story is the final chapter in the Doctor Catherine series. It takes place after I returned from my sailing trip with Barbara, part 7 of the series, and several maybe more weeks since my lunch meeting with Annie.

As I mentioned, upon my return from the Barbara trip there are messages on my house hard line phone. One message is from Annie. Now I have a decision to make. As I listened to the call from Annie I was very sure I was moving back to North Carolina but as much as I hoped Barbara would decide to come with me, she had not committed or even called since our sailing trip. In fact I had not heard from her in three weeks. I had called and left messages but none were returned. I was sure I was being told "I'm not interested, it was just an extended one night stand."

So, I called Annie and invited her to spend a day at my home to swim and walk the beach. We talked and agreed to meet on Friday.

I shopped on Thursday and planned a nice simple dinner for later in the day on Friday. I happened to be looking out the window that morning when her car pulled into my driveway and I was able to watch her discreetly as she got out of the car, damn the girl had great legs. There was very little of them left to the imagination as I watched her climb out of the car. Her white panties flashed as she leaned out. Does she only own short skirts and shorts?

She hesitated, looked at my car, stood behind it and seemed to be studying it.

Annie was carrying what turned out to be a beach bag. As she entered the house she of course complemented my home but also the landscaping, the outside of the house, the neighborhood, my car, everything, talking rather rapidly. I put my finger, then my lips, on her lips. She smiled and said, "I don't know why, I have been looking forward to this day since we first met, but I am really fucking nervous." Her using the word "fucking" took the edge off and I replied, "I don't know why but I am too."

As we moved into the house I offered her a drink. She smiled and said, "I remembered! Is it to early for this? I could really use one. Just one." With that she pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels Single Barrel out of her bag and handed it to me. I looked at it and thanked her for remembering my favorite. I noticed the seal on the bottle was broken and she saw me look at it. She said, "I opened it last night and again this morning. As I said, I was nervous." We both smiled at each other and it was ok, I was with a good new friend and everything, even the Barbara fiasco was going to be ok.

I took the bottle and with Annie in tow we went into the kitchen and poured two. Airless ice from my freezer, a fresh zest of orange, a dash of walnut bitters and 2 ounces of Jack stirred once or twice and a toast to...... Annie interrupted me and inserted...... "great sex." A clink of the glasses, a sip and we moved into the pool patio.

We talked for what seemed like hours but was probably only an hour or so. Like an old friend I told her about Barbara without mentioning her name in case she knew her. She told me that the woman she had told me about at lunch, the one she felt sure would lead to more, had cut off contact. We agreed that the timing of us getting together was perfect.

Annie asked me why my license plate said "VOO DOO." I explained about my Haitian Creole ancestors and their link to voodoo in New Orleans. She told me she thought that explained something she...... had......been.......wondering....... She hesitated almost as though she didn't want to be saying what was coming out of her mouth. I knew what it was and stopped her worry, I thought, by telling her to not be shy about asking. She didn't ask. She just said, "Robin, please don't think I'm a........ ". And she stopped again.

I looked at her sitting across from me and said, "It's my skin color isn't it? You were wondering why it is so dark." She didn't say a word but I thought I could read her lips as she mumble under her breath, "Oh fuck!"

I said, "Hey Annie, if you play you cards right today you will see all the black Haitian Creole skin to can handle and stop with the racist crap. I know you are not a racist or you wouldn't be here."

I took her hand and pulled her into a standing position and kissed her. A real kiss, soft and long. My tongue just parting her lips. She kissed with eyes open as I do. She looked back at me with those deep blue eyes and with her lips almost touching mine she said, "I love you, thank you for letting me be me." That felt right. I looked at her and said, "Not yet girl but you will truly love me, you certainly will." She smiled and asked, "Robin, did you know your eyes deep down are really green?"

I slid my hands down to her waist pulling her hips closer and answered, "voodoo roots."

We decided to go for a walk on the beach. It was fall and cool so I gave her one of mine and we wore sweatshirts. Walking the short road leading to the beach access point we talked, interestingly, about men. Annie was suddenly interested in knowing if there was a man or men in my life. As we approached the sand we took our shoes off and put them on the wall near the edge of the road as is the custom here. Her hand sought mine and we held hands as older women and children sometimes do when walking side by side. We talked more about where we grew up and our families. We talked about our businesses. We walked long stretches without a word needed. When she bent over to pick up a small shell I could see how tanned her legs really were as the stark white curve of her cheeks was exposed just above the edge of her skirt.

Then the subject turned back to men again and I told her about Charles the man I had met in North Carolina and saw sometimes when I stayed in my home there. She told me about Robert, a man she met in a writers group she had recently joined. She went on about how nice he was and how he was gentle in bed but how something was missing and she didn't love him. She told me sex with him was, well, routine, and much too undemanding. Annie was telling me what kind of sex she wanted and I was making notes.

I confessed that Charles was a good friend and a wonderful lover, God had gifted with a magnificent body, but I too felt there was magic missing. Of course in the case of Charles it didn't help that he was married. We both laughed. I was learning how desperately Annie was searching for that "magic." All Annie's questions about my relationship with Beth started to make sense.

Annie asked me if after Beth died I had tried to find, or rather meet, another person to love. I confessed that I was sure I had found one but I realized that unlike Beth it was not a friendship that grew into love. It was one sided and has not worked out so far. She told me the same thing happened to her. She was sure, the magic was everywhere but it was only in her and not returned. We were both unknowingly talking about Barbara.

When we got back to the house I challenged her to help me cook. Turned out Annie loved to cook. All we really needed to do was build a salad and grille some andouille sausage. Annie made a great garlic vinaigrette dressing. At least we will both taste and smell the same. I had cooked Jambalaya very early that same day. All we needed to do was grille the sausage and roast potatoes. Jambalaya served with chopped scallions, and thyme is a favorite of mine. Of course another Jack on ice was appropriate as we prepared the meal. As we cooked, I saw that Annie was doing as I do, eating while cooking. I grilled four links of sausage to cut up and add to the jambalaya and when I brought them in from the outdoor grille only three actually made it to the main dish. We ate the fourth as she cut them into pieces her feeding me small pieces, touching my face with every bite.

We actually never really sat to eat until the very end, my style of cooking, the kitchen counter dining room. All the while she found ways to touch me. Not a hand on my waist to move around me in my small kitchen, but a hand on my butt and small kisses lots of small kisses, touching and hugs.

After lunch with the sun just starting to fade we moved out to the lanai and the pool with still another Jack Daniels. I was thinking a naked swim. I quickly learned that Annie had other thoughts when she took my hand and insisted on a tour of my home.

When we got to my bedroom she pushed me into a seated position on the bed. Annie stood, hands on hips, pushing her breasts out toward me defiantly, only a foot away and did not say a word. I leaned in a little and said. "Show me!"

She slowly removed every stitch of clothing one piece at a time turning to give me time to take in what I was seeing. The first item to go was her skirt revealing the sexy white tiny panties I had seen when she got out of her car. Just above her panty waistband was a small tuft of blond hair. Above that was a surgical scar, a C-section scar? I couldn't help but notice that her panties were barely able to cover her vagina. The opening in her vulva was clearly visible as a crease in the panty fabric as they strained to contain her. I was surprised a little I guess at how her vulva was bulging out from her lower abdomen. I guess it was foolish of me to not remember that as much as we are all the same we are different in many ways and the outward appearance of our vaginas is one of those ways. I felt like a kid playing doctor. I wanted to see it, kiss it, smell it, touch it, explore it and of course lick it. Damn, I was getting wet but I would have to wait.

She turned to the side to put her skirt on a chair. That confirmed what I had suspected, her legs were deeply tanned compared to the creamy whiteness of her lovely round "just perfect" bubble butt cheeks viewed from the side.

She turned back facing me and pulled her top up over her head revealing a white bra that clearly pushed her breasts up and together. "Cleavage showoff!"

She smiled and said, "yes I am." I would have at this point guessed that she wore a one piece bathing suit because her torso was untanned. Her chest was covered above her breasts with dozens of freckles that faded away to the unblemished skin of her breasts and nipples.

Annie turned completely away from me as she unsnapped her bra and gave me an unobstructed look at another reason why she might wear a one piece full body bathing suit, a tattoo on her back. Not just a subtle discreet butterfly or scroll but a large colorful motorcycle with a woman riding it with flowing hair covered her entire lower back from just below her shoulder blades to her waist. I think I heard the words "oh my" escape my lips before I could summon the common sense to say nothing.

When she turned back facing me she said "Never go on a week long drunk binge while riding with the Hells Angels." I was not listening. I was staring at the most beautiful natural breasts. Not overly large. Not fake firm but naturally firm with pink areola and perfect nipples. I could see that this little strip act was having an effect on her as well by the many many little pumps on her areola. The tattoo was forgotten. There was a small blue butterfly tattoo on her right breast just above her areola. The skin of her breasts was almost transparent and I could see a spiderweb of pale blue veins extending outward from her nipples into her chest. I remember thinking that was very sexy.


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